BIG BEARD Studios Apps

NEW Ghost Hunting TechnologyTurns your Android device into a working "Spirit Box"NO false positives.Guaranteed to be free of ANY phonetic sounds and free of all radiointerference.NOT A NOVELTY ITEM, This APP is designed by ghost hunters for ghosthunters!NEW Ghost hunting Technology!Turns your Android device into a working “Spirit Box”.*TOP 20 IN GOOGLE LIFESTYLE APPS!*USED AND TRUSTED BY BILL MURPHY OF TV'S FACT OR FAKED. BARRYFITZGERALD & ROBB DEMAREST FROM GHOST HUNTERSINTERNATIONAL.**NEW VERSION CLASSIC FREE**I am so happy to announce the release of the Sv-1 SpiritVox GhostBox for Android Version 2.1! (SEE "WHAT'S NEW") NEW AUDIO ENGINESRECORDING FUNCTION AND FILE BROWSER!This is the update since the app launch 3 months ago. I was workingon a new way to produce the random noise and create a whole newaudio engine for SpiritVox 2.0. However, unable to decide which touse in the new version I decided to include BOTH audio generators!There are 2 channels of random noise. Channel 1 is the ORIGINALSV-1 SpiritVox sound proven to work by Ghost Hunters around theworld & Channel B, the NEW SpiritVox Random carrier signal. TheNEW "Noise Blend" feature allows you to blend the 2 signals any wayyou wish for more ways to experiment.Also fixed: App now runs in the background allowing you to recordon the same device. (User requested) Added social bookmarks andblog link / Exit on menu press.I am now recommending leaving wifi on and using headphones due tothe overwhelming amount of reports of this being effective bySpiritVox users.I hope you enjoy this new version of the SV-1. I cannot wait tohear what you catch!*******This Ghost hunting / Paranormal investigation app uses your devicesinternal audio playback algorithms to generate 2 sets of randomcarrier sounds that changes every 8th of a second. The 2 channelsof random sounds can be blended as you wish. Channel A is theoriginal SV-1 sound and channel B is the NEW audio engine sound.Created with hundreds of random sounds from static to speech.Trusted and used by thousands of Paranormal researchers around theworld from professional to amateur. Thousand of results reportedworldwide. SpiritVox has been used in the worlds most hauntedlocations by some of the most famous and well respected ghosthunters in the US, Canada, Norway and the United Kingdom.NO false positives. Guaranteed to be free of ANY phonetic soundsand free of all radio interference.Hardware "Spirit boxes" can cost hundreds of dollars and aredifficult to build yourself. They are also open to radiointerference and random phonetic sounds. The SV-1 SpiritVox iscapable of producing results you can be confident in for a FRACTIONof a hardware device! This is one tool your research group cannotafford to go without!NOT A NOVELTY ITEM, This APP is designed by ghost hunters for ghosthunters!SpiritVox on YouTube: 2.0 Audio Demo NOTE: users are reporting results with wifi and data etcenabled. Some report that voices and sounds are clearer or louderthis way. Feel free to experiment and try for yourself. It doesseem possible to me that the wireless signal could aid in thisphenomenon. ###*For best results turn your devices volume to 10, place on a hardsurface with your device speaker facing down and prop the device up1/2 to 1 inch above the surface. External speakers are recommendedif you are using a phone without a loud speaker. Tablet speakershave been found to work very well and seem to be loud enough ontheir own.PLEASE NOTE: Results may vary! Please don't rate low if you don'thear a ghost, neither me or anyone else can guarantee this willhappen!Questions? Got results you would like to share? VISITBIGBEARDLIVEPARANORMAL.COMfollow on Twitter: @spiritvoxapp TO REACH ME DIRECTLYANYTIME!
The world's first touch activated software ITC device.
SV-1 SpiritVox ULTRA-EDITION 2.1
SV-1 SpiritVox "Ultra-Edition" Sub-Sonic & Ultra-Sonic WhiteNoise Generator. For use in Paranormal Research, Ghost Hunting, EVPRecording & ITC research. This Special Edition of SpiritVoxcontains 2 signal modes to choose from: "Sub-Sonic" mode &"Ultra-Sonic" mode EVP caught during experiment with this app: Each mode sweeps from audible to inaudiblefrequencies to cover the range of human hearing and beyond. Createsa "wall" of sonic white noise covering the ENTIRE sound spectrum.This form of white noise has been shown to produce EVP both audiblyin real-time as well as upon review of recordings. This app DOESNOT record audio, use it with your favorite method of recording.App will run in the background if you would like to record on thesame device. *Sub-Sonic mode requires an external speaker toaccurately produce the sub sonic frequencies, most phone speakersare NOT capable of this on their own. USE WITH CAUTION! ULTRASOUNDCAN DAMAGE HEARING AND ANIMALS ARE VERY SENSITIVE TO IT! SUBSONICFREQUENCIES HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO CAUSE NERVOUSNESS AND OTHERPHYSICAL REACTIONS. Younger ears may be more sensitive to highfrequencies, do not use near children! It is not necessary to usethis at high volume. Set it to where you are comfortable. PROTECTYOUR EARS! This app was created for advanced EVP research andexperimentation. It is NOT intended for the casual Ghost Hunter.Please use the standard version of the SV-1 SpiritVox if you arelooking to do "Ghost Box" sessions. If you have ANY questions orproblems please email me, I am easy to reach and will do my best tohelp correct any issues. I cannot reply to reviews/comments. If Icannot I am happy to offer a full refund. I support my apps 100%and am always here for my users. I want it to be a trustworthy toolin your ghost hunts. As with all of my Ghost Hunting apps please beaware that RESULTS MAY VARY. Neither myself nor anyone else canguarantee contact with ghost, demons, aliens or your deceasedgrandmother. But I can offer you a great tool to catch the evidenceshould activity present itself. Please don't rate the app low ifyou don't get an EVP right away, catch a ghost on cam or if yoursensors are not supported. When Ghost Hunting always use commonsense and BE SAFE! Never trespass or damage private property,always try to get permission to investigate. Follow me on Twitter:@spiritvoxapp it's a great way to reach me for support or withquestions. Also I encourage you to send me any evidence you captureusing my apps!
SpiriTrap Paranormal Sensor V1 1.0
From the creator of SpiritVox, EchovoxandSpirit Voice comes a new paranormal investigation tool.SpiriTrapis a sensor based application which uses your devicesMagnetometerand Accelerometer sensors available on most devices. Ifyour devicedoes not have the required sensor it will not beavailable.The idea is simple, use SpiriTrap in a doorway, room orhallwayto detect footsteps or EMF fluctuations. It can also be usedas aninteraction device as the sensors are set to be VERY sensitiveandit should be easily triggered by an energy source.2 Modes, Silent and Alarm. Silent mode is just that, silent,noalarm will sound and it will monitor the area and write changestoa .txt log file with a time/date stamp. This means you canmonitoran area for fluctuations for a long period of timeunmanned.When set to alarm mode an alarm will sound when the deviceistriggered. Again, think of all the uses for that.UPON PRESSING "ARM" YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO LEAVE THE AREA.This is a simple program for serious investigators. A greatwayto cover a hall, or use the time stamps to back up otherevidencesuch as MEL spikes, footsteps etc.I am planning adding more sensors such as static, light,andsound monitoring/auto record in version 2 when it's ready.PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 1 OF THE 2 SENSORSMENTIONEDABOVE FOR THIS TO FUNCTION. MOST DEVICES HAVE AT LEAST1.ALSO: The sensors are VERY sensitive if you run into troublewithalarms tripping to easily please contact meatspiritvox@bigbeardaudio.comThis is a new idea and it will be growing as development anduserfeedback continue.I fully support all my apps and am easy to reach. FOLLOW MEONTWITTER: THAT IS THE BEST WAY TOREACHME FOR SUPPORT.I am a paranormal researcher, this is my life. I buildthesetools so we can find ANSWERS.See my ghost hunting adventures my blog:spiritvox.bigbeardaudio.comDEMO VIDEO IN PRODUCTION.
Caustic Pack FREE PACK 3 -BBA 1.0
Big Beard Audio Presents: RARESYNTH FREEPACK3 Free Caustic pack.PCMSynth Instruments and beatboxes for Caustic 2. This free samplepackcontains 7 unique PCM Synth presets and 2 all new beatboxkits,"ROOTSREGGAE" and "METALMONSTER" Included are 4 PCM presetsfrom oursoon to be released "SYNTHKORDS 2" Pro Pack, and 3 all newMOOGstack PCM presets. The beatboxes are a preview of ourupcoming"REALDRUMS" Acoustic Drum beatbox expansion pack. We loveCausticand think that loaded up with quality, pro sounds anythingispossible. Use our presets and open up the full depth ofcaustic.Best of all they are FREE! *You must have Caustic 2installed touse these sounds. Please note the file size is 22mb dueto the highquality samples included. Please be patient as itinstalls as itmay take a minute or two. Created by: Big Beard Audio- ATrans-Atlantic collaboration of producers with over 60yearscombined experience in music production and sound design. Andnowwe are mobile! Get more from Big Beard Audio on FREE downloads and more! FOLLOW US ONTWITTER@BigBeardAudio Followers get exclusive access to weeklyfreebies!*** caustic content pack ***
BASSFX Free Caustic pack 1.0
RARESYNTH BASSFX Free Caustic pack. PCM Synth Bass InstrumentsforCaustic 2. This free sample pack contains 8 unique PCMSynthpresets created from the ground up. Warm, full and lush basssoundsideal for DUBSTEP, DNB, HIPHOP and any other style thatdepends onbooming bass. RARESYNTH BASSFX Free Caustic Pack 1 is apreview ofour soon to be released Pro Caustic expansion packs. WeloveCaustic and think that loaded up with quality, pro soundsanythingis possible. Use our BASSFX presets and open up the fulldepth ofcaustic. Best of all they are FREE! You must have Caustic2installed to use these sounds. Please note the file size is27mbdue to the high quality samples included. Please be patient asitinstalls as it may take a minute or two. Created by: BigBeardAudio - A Trans-Atlantic collaboration of producers with over60years combined experience in music production and sound design.Andnow we are mobile! Get more from Big Beard Audio on FREE downloads and more! FOLLOW US ONTWITTER@BigBeardAudio Followers get exclusive access to weeklyfreebies!##NEW## JOIN OUR FORUMS at http://forums.bigbeardaudio.comFor morefree content, advice and more! *** caustic content pack ***
Caustic Hip-Hop Construction 1.0
Big Beard Audio Presents: HIP-HOP Construction CausticExpansionPack 15 Beatbox kit presets and 500 Samples! Over 500drums samplesfrom Hip Hop Producer Hidden Master's personalcollection.Thesedrum samples have been taken on various differentAkai MPCsamplers,from the MPC 60 to the MPC 4000. There are over250 kickdrum samples,150 snare drum samples,100 hats,and 30claps.Theyrange in sound from clean to dirty to give you anauthentic Hip Hopflavor. There are 15 ready made kits to get youstarted and plentyof sounds to make your own kits.The sounds aresuitable forRap,Dubstep,DnB and any Hip Hop derivative genres ofmusic. Perfectfor Producers, Beatmakers and Rappers. Create theperfect Hip-Hopkit for your songs and beats. We love Caustic andthink that loadedup with quality, pro sounds anything is possible.Use our presetsand open up the full depth of caustic. *You musthave Caustic 2installed to use these sounds. Please note the filesize is 18mbdue to the high quality samples included. Please bepatient as itinstalls as it may take a minute or two. Created by:Big BeardAudio - A Trans-Atlantic collaboration of producers withover 60years combined experience in music production and sounddesign. Andnow we are mobile! Get more from Big Beard Audio on FREE downloads and more! FOLLOW US ONTWITTER@BigBeardAudio Followers get exclusive access to weeklyfreebies!*** caustic content pack ***
Caustic Pack SYNTHKORDS PRO 1.0
Caustic Expansion Pack. Our samples are ALL ORIGINAL andcreatedusing vintage gear. This Caustic pack contains 11SYNTHKORDSCaustic PCM Synth presets. This is the full pro pack,pleasedownload and install the SYNTHKORDS free pack also to get all19Chord presets. You must have Caustic 2 installed to usethesesounds. Our presets and samples are ALL ORIGINAL and createdusingvintage gear and the cleanest signal path possible. Oursynthpresets contain warm, full sounding samples left as "clean"aspossible so you, the end-user can tweak and mash the soundintosomething all your own. We are hard at work on both sides oftheAtlantic constantly creating new sounds. RARESYNTH'sSYNTHKORDSCaustic pack contains 24 samples of 6 chord types on 3uniquesounds and 3 of another.They are suitable forhouse,dubstep,drum nbass and most forms of music. These 11 PCMSynth presets are someof the highest quality PCM presets availablefor Caustic. Each PCMcontains samples mapped to each key. It's likehaving the wholesynth within Caustic, and remember these arechords! One fingerpress of a key gives you a HUGE LUSH chord!Created by: Big BeardAudio - A Trans-Atlantic collaboration ofproducers with over 60years combined experience in music productionand sound design. Andnow we are mobile! Get more from Big BeardAudio on our FREE downloads and more!FOLLOW US ON TWITTER@BigBeardAudio Followers get exclusive accessto weekly freebies!##NEW## JOIN OUR FORUMS at For morefree content, advice andmore! *** caustic content pack ***
This free Caustic pack contains 7 Caustic PCM Synth presets.Youmust have Caustic 2 installed to use these sounds. Our presetsandsamples are ALL ORIGINAL and created using vintage gear andthecleanest signal path possible. Our synth presets contain warm,fullsounding samples left as "clean" as possible so you, theend-usercan tweak and mash the sound into something all your own.We arehard at work on both sides of the Atlantic constantlycreating newsounds. RARESYNTH's SYNTHKORDS Caustic pack contains 24samples of6 chord types on 3 unique sounds and 3 of another.Theyare suitablefor house,dubstep,drum n bass and most forms of musicThese 7 freePCM Synth presets are a preview of our soon to bereleasedRARESYNTH Pro-Packs. Created by: Big Beard Audio - ATrans-Atlanticcollaboration of producers with over 60 yearscombined experiencein music production and sound design. And now weare mobile! Getmore from Big Beard Audio on our website:www.BigBeardAudio.comFREE downloads and more! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER@BigBeardAudioFollowers get exclusive access to weekly freebies!##NEW## JOIN OURFORUMS at For morefree content,advice and more! *** caustic content pack ***
BASSFX PRO Volume 1 2.0
RARESYNTH BASSFX PRO Caustic pack. PCM Synth Bass InstrumentsforCaustic 2. This pack contains 10 unique PCM Synth presetscreatedfrom the ground up. Warm, full and lush bass sounds. Thesesoundshave been made by routing and chaining several differentanalogsynthesizers together.They are useful for DUBSTEP,dnb,Hip-Hop andanything that needs some booming bass.Some of thepatches have 2 or3 bass fx and there are also two mutisampledstacked Moog bass fxincluded. Use our BASSFX presets and open upthe full depth ofCaustic 2. This is volume one of Big Beard Audio'sBASSFXexperiments. *You must have Caustic 2 installed to usethesesounds. *Please note the file size is 27mb due to the highqualitysamples included. Please be patient as it installs as it maytake aminute or two. Created by: Big Beard Audio - ATrans-Atlanticcollaboration of producers with over 60 yearscombined experiencein music production and sound design. And now weare mobile! Getmore from Big Beard Audio on our website:www.BigBeardAudio.comFREE downloads and more! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER@BigBeardAudioFollowers get exclusive access to weekly freebies!##NEW## JOIN OURFORUMS at For morefree content,advice and more! *** caustic content pack ***
Caustic Pack REALDRUMS VOL. 1 1.0
Big Beard Audio Presents: REALDRUMS Volume 1 Acoustic DrumKitsCaustic expansion pack. 12 beatbox kit presets/179 drum samplesforCaustic 2. This pack contains all new, high quality samples ofREALDRUMS played by a REAL live human being! 12 kits built tofitvarious genres and styles. From Rock, Metal, Reggae, Pop,Hip-Hopetc. They can also be used in electronic type music, DUBSTEPetc.Warm, natural drum sounds sampled for high end Ludwig andPearlkits and various snares such as Yamaha, Pork Pie and DW. Thispackincludes a sample library of 179 samples! Build your veryownperfect acoustic drum kit to suit your needs. DOWNLOADDEMO.caustic song file containing 2 REALDRUMS beatbox presetsat: WeloveCaustic and think that loaded up with quality, pro soundsanythingis possible. Use our presets and open up the full depth ofcaustic.*You must have Caustic 2 installed to use these sounds.Please notethe file size is 16mb. Please be patient as it installsas it maytake a minute or two. Created by: Big Beard Audio -ATrans-Atlantic collaboration of producers with over 60yearscombined experience in music production and sound design. Andnowwe are mobile! Get more from Big Beard Audio on FREE downloads and more! FOLLOW US ONTWITTER@BigBeardAudio Followers get exclusive access to weeklyfreebies!*** caustic content pack ***
CausticPack HipHopConstruction 2.0
Big Beard Audio Presents: HIP-HOP Construction CausticExpansionPack 15 Beatbox kit presets and 500 Samples! Over 500drums samplesfrom Hip Hop Producer Hidden Master's personalcollection.Thesedrum samples have been taken on various differentAkai MPCsamplers,from the MPC 60 to the MPC 4000. There are over250 kickdrum samples,150 snare drum samples,100 hats,and 30claps.Theyrange in sound from clean to dirty to give you anauthentic Hip Hopflavor. There are 15 ready made kits to get youstarted and plentyof sounds to make your own kits.The sounds aresuitable forRap,Dubstep,DnB and any Hip Hop derivative genres ofmusic. We loveCaustic and think that loaded up with quality, prosounds anythingis possible. Use our presets and open up the fulldepth of caustic.Best of all they are FREE! *You must have Caustic2 installed touse these sounds. Please note the file size is 22mbdue to the highquality samples included. Please be patient as itinstalls as itmay take a minute or two. Created by: Big Beard Audio- ATrans-Atlantic collaboration of producers with over 60yearscombined experience in music production and sound design. Andnowwe are mobile! Get more from Big Beard Audio on FREE downloads and more! FOLLOW US ONTWITTER@BigBeardAudio Followers get exclusive access to weeklyfreebies!*** caustic content pack ***
ECHOVOX System 3 Pro Ghostbox 3.3
SV-2 SpiritVox "Ghost Box" SV1 4.1
NEW Ghost hunting Technology Turns your Android device into aworking Spirit Box
"Ghost Voice Catcher" AUTO EVP 1.8
NEW GHOST HUNTING TECHNOLOGY! A totally NEW way to conduct EVPsessions!
EchoVox 2.0 Classic Edition 1.2
EVR is a real time audio randomizer for use in ITC and paranormalresearch.
Spirit Voice 2.0 SW Ghost Box 2.3
From the creator of SpiritVox comes the long awaited VERSION2.0vocal generator version of the SV-1 SpiritVox software ghostbox.This software plays multiple channels of random vocalsamples,synthetic speech generated at random from word libraryalong withspeed control and SV-1 bendable noise. New user createdblogarticle with settings and other usefulinfo! is "Speech mode" where the app acts as a randomwordgenerator. Words are triggered by EMF fluctuations detectedusingthe devices magnetic field reader. Readings are displayedusing aunique Digital Compass" The speech itself is syntheticspeechcreated by Androids built in speech synthesis module. Therearethousands and thousands of words in the database. GHOSTBOXSETTING: Spirit Voice works great as a traditional "GhostBox".Simply blend the noise and voice channels as desired and turnthespeed up to 100% (all the way left). the speech engine will workashard as it can to try to say up to 5 words per second. Thiscreatesan excellent bed of white noise for EVP/ITC sessionsandexperiments. Just watch the videos witness countless 2 way spiritcommunications using this method.Spirit voice can be used withSpirifone external speaker to create an ECHOVOX system. This issoftwarefor SERIOUS paranormal researchers, I FULLY support mycreations, Iam easy to reach, just tweet @spiritvoxapp for directsupport and tojoin my huge group os loyal users and followers.USED AND TRUSTED BYBILL MURPHY OF FACT OR FAKED PARANORMAL FILESAND ROBB DEMAREST OFGHOST HUNTERS INTERNATIONAL. EMAIL ME WITH ANYISSUES, SUBMITFINDINGS TO ME! -Danny
DarkVox V.666 ITC GHOST BOX 1.3
The dark side of ITC / EVP. The Backwards Bible. INTRO PRICE: $6.66
SPIRITONE Sonic EMF Ghost Box 1.2
Spiritone V.1 Sonic Energy Device / ECHOVOX System. From thecreatorof the SV-1 SpiritVox and ECHOVOX. This paranormal researchtool isan experiment using 4 channels of randomly generated audiotones onmultiple channels playing at variable speeds and randomnotelengths. All 4 channels can be mixed using the unique "blend"dial.FREQUENCIES: Channel A 40hz-5000hz Channel B 20hz-20khzChannel C15hz-15khz Channel D 15hz-20khz Also contained is a builtin"ECHOVOX" like ECHO function (REAL TIME RECORDING/MONITORING).Ifyou are unfamiliar withECHOVOX these videos: are a fewdifferent ideas at play here that lead me to createthis software.The first being something both myself and my usershave discovered.Both the SV-1 SpiritVox and Spirit Voice/ECHOVOXapps seem to help"stir up" or attract entities to a location andmany have claimedthat they help "charge" and atmosphere. I havewitnessed thishundreds of times and agree. However, these energiesthat show upare not always pleasant. My thinking here is to sendout positive,warm natural tones to create not only a new type ofnoise bed forEVP and ITC but also to help encourage positiveentities and repelany negative. SOUND IS ENERGY, the more thebetter in thissituation, and the ECHO function should make it easyfor "them" tohear it as well. The second reason for it's creationwas that Iwanted to create an ECHOVOX system without anyhumansounds/phonetics etc. Who knows where this could lead. LastlyIwanted software that could also be used for meditation and aidinpersonal protection. These sounds can be used as randombackgroundnoise for meditation or ritual cleansing. (SEE "CLEANSINGTONES"BELOW) "CLEANSING TONE" FUNCTION: This button will start aset of 3notes, 3 octaves of "A" 432hz This is a true, natural "A"note.When pressed all other sounds will stop. The idea here is thatsomebelieve a natural "A" note can be used to repel negativeenergyand/or attract positive energy. This note can be played afterasession to "c;ear the air" it can also be used on its ownforpersonal mediation and prayer. This chord is set to play as loudaspossible to help "blast" positive energy into yourenvironment.This is my most sophisticated piece of software yet, itis a NEWEXPERIMENT. I welcome you to try and find new ways to usethis. Icannot offer guidance in it's best use. It is up to all ofus tolearn that TOGETHER. THIS APP MAY BE CPU INTENSIVE! IT WILLRUNBEST ON FAST DEVICES. I support my work 100% and want to helpyoulearn to use this correctly and help with any issues. THEBESTMETHOD FOR SUPPORT IS TO FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @spiritvoxapp
From the creator of the popular SpiritVox comes The"Spirifone"REAL-TIME EVP RECORDER! Built for Ghost Hunters by GhostHunters!This is one of the most important tools you can have forGhostHunting and Paranormal Investigations! Stop waiting toreviewrecordings to find out if you captured something. Now you canhearyou recording AS IT IS HAPPENING. This is a first forA.B.G.H(Android based Ghost-Hunting). Plug headphones into yourAndroiddevice and hit "record" and you can hear everything beingrecordedonto your SD card via your devices microphone with nearlyNO delay!Hardware Real Time EVP recorders cost over $100. This appperformsthe same function for a fraction of the cost of a hardwaredeviceand achieves the same results. No more waiting to reviewrecordingsto see if you caught something. If you do catch anythingyou willhear it right then and there! Files are saved to your SDcard namedwith time/date stamp in .wav format. Features: REAL TIMERECORDINGAND PLAYBACK WAV FORM DISPLAY REWIND/FAST-FORWARD HIGHQUALITY WAVFORMAT RECORDING Easy to use, simple interface.***HEADPHONES AREREQUIRED FOR APP TO FUNCTION!*** REAL EVP Sessionrecorded usingSpirifone: you haveANY questions or problems please email me, I am easy toreach andwill do my best to help correct any issues. I cannot replytoreviews/comments. If I cannot solve your issue I am happy tooffera full refund. I support my apps 100% and am always here formyusers. I want it to be a trustworthy tool in your ghost hunts.Aswith all of my Ghost Hunting apps please be aware that RESULTSMAYVARY. Neither myself nor anyone else can guarantee contactwithghost, demons, aliens or your deceased grandmother. But I canofferyou a great tool to catch the evidence should activitypresentitself. Please don't rate the app low if you don't get anEVP rightaway, this field requires patience! When Ghost Huntingalways usecommon sense and BE SAFE! Never trespass or damageprivateproperty, always try to get permission to investigate.Follow me onTwitter: @spiritvoxapp it's a great way to reach me forsupport orwith questions. Also I encourage you to send me anyevidence youcapture using my apps! TAGS: Ghost hunting. Paranormal.EVP. RealTime Wav Recorder
BlackVox™ 2 Reverb Noise Box 2.4
BlackVox™ Real time streaming audio + Studio quality Reverb Noisemachine.
Studioverb Android Reverb FX 1.1
Studioverb Android Reverb allows you to control and experimentwithall of the depth and clarity of a studio reverb unit. 44100samplerate via mic input Add reverb to your voice or instrument inrealtime. *** PLEASE NOTE *** This app uses your microphoneandspeaker. If feedback occurs lower volume &/or moveexternalspeaker away. Headphone/line-out to recording device isidealmethod. From Big Beard Studios!
AudioTrap Sound Recorder FREE 1.1
AudioTrap Sound Recorder FREE From Big Beard Studios, creatorofEchoVox, EVR, SV2 SpiritVox, StudioVerb and more brings you anewway to record audio. AudioTrap will capture any sound abovetheuser defined threshold. User can set amount of time forrecordingto run when triggered. From 3 - 60 seconds. If the soundcontinueslonger than user set time the recording will continueuntil thethreshold "zero" is reached again. Each sound storedinAudioTrap/Recordings/Sessions as individual time/datestamped,labeledfiles.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUCTIONS:To use, set threshold to desired level (the higherthe threshold,the less sensitive recording trigger will be) in"settings" menu Setdesired record time (3-60 seconds) in settingsmenu Press "ARM"button on main screen. GREEN indicates it is nowlistening. REDindicates it is recording. Files can be opened witha 3rd party filebrowser and media player of your choice byclicking "RECORDINGS" insettingsmenu.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AudioTrapcan be used for EVP sessions to only capture questionsand replies(if any) as it monitors the OUTPUT signal. NOT themicrophonesignal. Meaning if EVP presents itself post mic it maystill becaptured. This application can also be used in homemonitoring orany other situation a noise activated recorder can beuseful in. Ifyou like this app please check out my otherapplications andrate/share. I hope you enjoy my noise activatedrecorder, it's mygift to you as it is and will always be 100%FREE!
SpiriTalk Echo Spirit Box App 1.0.0
Echo based EVP workstation. Includes English and Portuguêssoundbanks. ITC
UltraVox Pro - Pro Ghost Box 1.0.0
Paranormal ghost box / spirit box CREATE CUSTOM SOUND BANKSWITHYOUR AUDIO